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Board games
Survive the curse of the Black Rose, a deductive board game for 4 to 5 players.
What is Shadows of Esteren?
Shadows of Esteren is a medieval world with horrific and gothic overtones in a dark, low fantasy setting. Drawing inspiration from Celtic myths, this universe has a subtle fantastic side hidden under a bleak, realistic surface. With the focus of its adventures being investigation and survival, Shadows of Esteren favors immersion and interaction among the players.
If you want to know more about the role-playing game and wish to get started immediately, you can freely download Book 0 – Prologue. This introduction to the series contains everything you need to play: an introduction to the universe and a summary of the system of 6 pages each, 6 pre-generated characters, and 3 scenarios respectively suitable for beginner, confirmed, and experienced Game Masters.
Enjoy your stay in the Shadows...